In alfalfa fields, weeds are no more welcome than rain on freshly cut hay. Weeds compete for the same resources needed to grow a good crop of alfalfa: water, nutrients, and light
Do you know who your representatives are on the State and Federal level? If your answer to this question is no, do your industry a favor and Google them right now
Since the standardization of organics at the turn of the century, agriculture has struggled to define the differences between conventional and organic operations without using the term better
Your take on the number dairies is interesting, but the industry isn’t declining as discussed in the Hoard’s Dairyman Intel, “Where is the dairies decline trend going?”
For the past 45 days the Idaho Dairymen’s Association (IDA) orchestrated a petition emphasizing the need for development and implementation of immigration legislation that would address the needs...
As anyone who is involved in dairy farming knows, mastitis can be a very frustrating disease. It sounds simple enough to keep mastitis-causing organisms away from the teat canal when it is open, but
When thinking about the MPP-Dairy (Margin Protection Plan for Dairy) . . . Why can’t there be a margin incentive to respond to the markets correctly by reducing production when there is a surplus
The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) board of directors recently approved a list of changes to modify the Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy) safety net for dairy producers
We have come to a fork in the road here at Hillcrest Farms. Like I have said in the past, we are always trying to keep up with technology and stay at the forefront of our industry
“The U.S. just recently crossed 35 pounds of cheese per person on a per capita basis,” stated Mark Stephenson, speaking to those attending the Wisconsin Agricultural Outlook Forum